
The Interns - Coco (again)

Having spent her previous summer interning at Labman, Coco was back again enjoying the work (and fun) during her second internship with us.
Interns 2 min read
A young female engineer in the workplace

Katie SimpsonPublished 9th Aug 2024

"It has been amazing to be back at Labman this summer after my time here last year. I've loved having the chance to gain more understanding of how a company functions as well as improving my practical and CAD skills. I've worked with many different people over the three weeks doing lots of tasks for different projects, from testing in the lab to fixing small machines and assembling parts."
A young, female engineer in the workplace
Coco on her internship at Labman
"I have really appreciated everyone's willingness to help and teach when I've run into any problems, particularly my mentor Ed who has had to deal with my many questions. I was very excited to find out I was here for Labfest again this year, especially when I was able to take part in the Zorb Football - although I got flattened."
A young male resting on a giant inflatable ball
Coco's mentor Ed, after a game of Zorb Football
"Everyone here is always so lovely and welcoming and I've enjoyed taking part in games and getting to know some of the people I hadn't come across yet. I've found Labfest has been a great way for me to integrate making my time here even more enjoyable."
"Overall I feel Labman has given me great insight into what an engineering workplace is like and also a head start with some particular skills for when I begin my aerospace engineering degree (hopefully) in a couple months. No other workplace will be as interesting and welcoming and I will be forever grateful for the opportunity. Looking forward to seeing everyone around."