Key features
The Vial Weighing and Labelling System is a benchtop robot that weighs and applies labels to 4 different vial types – 20ml, 4ml, 2ml and 1.5ml. Up to 5 racks of vials are loaded into the system by the user at the start of a run. Each vial is picked by the robot, labelled or barcode scanned, then weighed on a 5 decimal place balance. The weight of each vial is recorded in a .csv file saved on the system PC. Different vials are processed by using interchangeable vial holders and gripper fingers which are compatible with each vial type loaded into the system. These parts are manually changed by the user at the start of a run. A stand-alone labeller is integrated into the system. The robot places a vial into the labeller to be automatically labelled. A capper is used to remove and apply caps to the 20ml vial type.