Key features
System Overview.
Labman have produced many systems for analysing the physical chemistry of portable and waste water samples. Systems have included any combinations of pH, turbidity, conductivity, colour, UV absorption, carbonates, temperature and dissolved oxygen content. The robots contain functionality to calibrate the instruments and monitor the AQC values for each chemistry. Calibration curves can easily be viewed and printed for your records from the robot software. If AQC values drift then the robot will automatically attempt to recover the chemistry via a rigorous cleaning cycle and recalibration of the affected chemistry. Samples are analysed in low volume flow cells which are thoroughly cleaned between analyses to minimise crossover contamination issues. System dead volume is kept to a minimum through the use of narrow bore tubing, optimised liquid paths and low volume low cells. The colour and UV chemistry includes an inline filtration unit that first pre-filters the water through 5um stainless steel gauze and then through 0.45um filter tape before it passes into the flow cell. This allows the system to analyse samples with a turbidity of 500NTU and higher. Removable trolleys are used to hold the samples. The sample trolleys can be chilled to maintain the sample between 4 to 8 degrees Celsius as an optional extra.