Custom project

Funnel feeder system

Developed for The University of York, this system allows an operator to feed plant material through an axes-mounted funnel into custom designed pans.
Labman custom system: Funnel feeder system

Key features

Quick and AccurateQuickly feed material to well plates with accurate data recording
CompatibleCompatible with multiple well plate types
Sample CompatiblityCompatible with different sample types (solid or powdered)
Definable target weightDefinable target weight
Small FootprintSmall footprint benchtop system
Vibrating FunnelVibrating funnel to aid powder flow


System Overview.

The University of York Funnel Feeder system was installed in 2009 at the university’s Centre for Novel Agricultural products. The system contains an analytical balance with a custom pan designed to take any standard well plate. A funnel mounted on the system axes moves over the wells in a predetermined order allowing the operator to feed plant material into each well.



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