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Purification and Fraction Consolidation Module

Automated module for the purification of crude samples using HPLC

Key features

Collaborative Robot Arm 4 Axis SCARA (Model: Brooks PreciseFlex DD4)
High speed robot arm4 Axis SCARA (model: Epson LS6)
InterlocksMagnetic interlocks prevent user gaining access to the liquid handler enclosure when in operation
Custom bottle holdersCustom bottle holders for all solvents have 2 liquid level sensors for detecting low and low-low levels to trigger warnings/alarms in the software
WasteCapping station is capable of discarding caps into the cap bin, vial waste station tips contents of a vial into a drain before releasing the vial into a vial bin
Vial imagingPerforms a volume estimation and solubility
Liquid handlingLiquid handling using Tecan XLP6000 syringe pump
LC-MS IntegrationIntegration with Agilent Infinity II 1290 LC-MS prep system
Genevac EZ-2 bionic integrationIntegration with Genevac EZ-2 bionic centrifugal evaporators
Mobile robot integrationMobile robot used to deliver and retrieve input/output racks
Rack ScanningA rack scanner is used to scan all 24 vials within a rack
Bowl feedingBowlfeeder with capacity for 1500 caps
Xplanar integrationUse of Beckhoff Xplanar floating product transportation system


The Purification and Fraction consolidation module separates crude samples into their constituent fractions. Undesired fractions are discarded, while desired fractions are consolidated into a single vial of pure sample.

A mobile robot docks into the module and a collaborative robot arm unloads racks of crude samples, scans their barcodes, and stores them in internal rack hotels. Individual vials of crude samples are then imaged and loaded into an HPLC rack. Empty fraction vials are weighed and placed into the HPLC rack. The HPLC rack, mounted to an Xplanar, uses magnets to levitate and manoeuvre into an Agilent open bed sampler. Here the crude sample is separated into fractions by the Agilent LC/MS system, with each fraction being dispensed into its own fraction vial.

Undesired fractions, and the empty crude vial are placed to the bin, while desired fractions are placed to evaporation racks to be dried down. Evaporation racks are placed inside a Genevac EZ-2 Bionic centrifugal evaporator, where all the solvent is evaporated, leaving only a powder. After evaporation, fraction vials are weighed again, to determine how much powder is in the vial, before being moved to the liquid handler for re-suspension. Deuterated DMSO is dispensed into fraction vials, diluting it to a desired molar concentration. The contents of the vial is sonicated, then imaged to confirm dissolution. All dissolved fractions are then consolidated into a single vial of pure sample. The pure vial is capped and placed to a pure output rack. The pure rack is finally collected by the mobile robot to be taken to the next module.



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